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Maasai Ostrich Farm, Kitengela, Activities, Meat & Facts

 Honest Guide to Maasai Ostrich Farm, Kitengela

Welcome to the Maasai Ostrich Farm in Kitengela, Kajiado County, Kenya – a place that’s like the elderly relative of safari parks. Despite everything, the Maasai Ostrich Farm is still standing—proof of its unwavering spirit and tenacity. It’s like visiting a beloved old friend who’s seen better days but still manages to greet you with a warm, albeit dusty, smile.

Once upon a time, Maasai Ostrich Farm was the crown jewel of ostrich experiences, where you could feast on delicious ostrich meat, take a thrilling ostrich ride, and even watch these majestic birds in all their glory. Fast forward to today, and it seems like the farm is fighting for its life.

We arrived hungry, dreaming of crispy ostrich meat and cold drinks. But the fridge, which looked like it might still have a pulse, was more of a refrigerator-shaped relic from a bygone era. The ostrich enclosures resembled a small slum, which, let’s be honest, isn’t what you’d expect from a place that once had its act together.

Here’s the list of what to expect:

How to Get There: The Scenic Route

To reach this feathered haven, start from Nairobi and hop onto the expressway. Take the last exit, head towards Athi River, navigate through the bustling Kitengela town, and then make a right turn. Buckle up – the road after the tarmac is a rough, dusty adventure in itself, full of potholes so big they could qualify as small lakes. A 4×4 might be your best bet unless you fancy a thrilling off-road experience that will leave you wondering if you’re in a safari or a stunt show.

The Farm’s Glory Days Are Behind It

Once you finally arrive, you might notice the Maasai Ostrich Farm looks like it’s living in the past. It’s akin to a classic car that’s seen better days – charming, but definitely in need of some TLC. The restaurant is long gone, so don’t expect any gourmet ostrich dishes – stock up on snacks before you make the trek. The swimming pool? Let’s just say it’s currently practicing its role as a giant, decorative puddle. And the lush gardens have decided to take an extended vacation.

Activities at Maasai Ostrich Farm in Kitengela

The roof of one of the units at Maasai Ostrich Farm, looking like an abstract art piece with signs of wear.
Maasai Ostrich Farm’s roof: A charming relic of its glory days

Looking for a place where your sense of curiosity meets feathered fun? Maasai Ostrich Farm in Kitengela is your go-to spot. If you’ve ever dreamt of mingling with the world’s most awkwardly charming giant birds, you’re in for a treat. Here’s a fun guide to the shenanigans you can dive into at this ostrich paradise:

1. Ostrich Racing: The Fast and the Feathered

Think you’ve seen it all in sports? Think again. At Maasai Ostrich Farm, you can witness—or better yet, participate in—the most thrilling ostrich races this side of the Serengeti. Don’t worry if your ostrich lacks a racing helmet; these feathered friends run like they’ve had too much coffee. Feel free to cheer them on with a mix of enthusiasm and confusion, because trust us, it’s a spectacle you won’t forget.

2. Ostrich Ride 

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to ride a giant bird? Well, here’s your chance! For a fee, you can hop on an ostrich and try your best to keep your balance while it wobbles around. It’s like trying to ride a horse but with more feathers and less chance of winning a rodeo buckle. Brace yourself for a bumpy, but hilarious, ride that might have you questioning your life choices.

3. Egg-ceptional Photo Ops

Ostrich eggs are as big as a rugby ball, so why not make a game out of taking the most creative photo with them? Think of it as a “how to pose with an egg” challenge. Hold it like you’re cradling a baby, or balance it on your head like a bizarre fashion statement. Just remember, those eggs are as tough as they come, so no cracking under pressure.

4. Ostrich Trivia Challenge

Test your knowledge about these fascinating birds with an impromptu ostrich trivia contest. Did you know ostriches can’t fly but can run faster than a cheetah? Or that their eggs are equivalent to 24 chicken eggs? Brush up on your ostrich facts and challenge your friends. The loser buys the next round of ostrich-themed snacks—just kidding, they don’t actually serve those.

5. The Great Ostrich Egg Hunt

Who says egg hunts are only for Easter? At Maasai Ostrich Farm, you can participate in the Great Ostrich Egg Hunt. Spoiler alert: the eggs are not hidden, but you’ll still have a blast pretending to search for them like a feathered DCI. If nothing else, you’ll get a workout and plenty of laughs.

6. Ostrich Meet and Greet

If you’ve ever wanted to have a heart-to-heart with a bird that’s taller than you, the ostrich meet and greet is for you. Share your deepest secrets with these majestic creatures (they won’t judge), and try not to laugh when they stare back with their big, bewildered eyes. It’s the closest you’ll get to a birdie therapist session.

No Swimming: Leave Your Swimsuit at Home

Planning a trip to Maasai Ostrich Farm? Great choice! Just a quick heads-up: if you were dreaming of a refreshing dip in the pool, you might want to rethink that plan. The swimming pool is currently out of service, which means it’s the perfect time to skip packing that swimsuit and those goggles. Unless, of course, you’re planning to dive into the ostrich pen for an impromptu feather-filled splash, but we don’t recommend that unless you’re aiming for a truly unforgettable story! So, keep your swimwear in the closet and come prepared for feathered fun, not poolside lounging.

What to Do: The Ostrich Odyssey

Fear not, there are still plenty of ostriches to see! They’re there, in abundance, looking around like they’ve heard about a great place but can’t quite remember where it is. For about 500/-, you can go on a guided tour of the farm, where you’ll learn interesting facts about these long-legged wonders. And if you’re feeling particularly adventurous, you can even take an ostrich ride – just make sure you’re ready for a unique experience that’ll make for some great stories at your next dinner party.

Maasai Ostrich Farm; Facts About Ostriches

Ostriches are not your average birds. These large, flightless creatures have some pretty impressive features that make them stand out from the crowd. Whether you’re an avid bird watcher or just someone who enjoys quirky animal facts, here are some fun and fascinating tidbits about ostriches that will leave you in awe of these incredible avians.

1. The World’s Largest Bird

Ostriches are the heavyweight champions of the bird world. Standing up to 9 feet tall and weighing between 220 to 330 pounds, they’re not just big—they’re gigantic! Their size is so impressive that they’re often mistaken for small dinosaurs. Imagine trying to fit one of these into your backyard!

2. Speed Demons of the Bird World

Forget what you know about slow and steady—ostriches are speed demons. They can sprint at speeds of up to 45 miles per hour, making them the fastest-running birds on land. With legs built like powerful springs, they can also maintain a steady 30 miles per hour over long distances. So if you’re ever in a race with an ostrich, start preparing your excuses.

3. The Impressive Legs

Ostriches have legs that could give any athlete a run for their money. Each leg is not only built for speed but also for delivering a powerful kick. With a kick strong enough to break a car window, ostriches are well-equipped to defend themselves against predators. Just remember, if you ever find yourself in a staring contest with an ostrich, don’t make any sudden movements—those legs are serious business!

4. Eyes Bigger Than Their Brains

Ostriches have eyes that are about the size of a billiard ball, making them the largest eyes of any land animal. Their big eyes help them spot predators from a distance, but interestingly, their brains are quite small in comparison. So, while they may have a grand view of the world, their brainpower is a little less impressive. It’s a classic case of “eyes bigger than the brain.”

5. Feathered Friends

Ostrich feathers are not just for show. They have historically been prized for their beauty and durability. In ancient Egypt, ostrich feathers were symbols of truth and justice, and they were used in ceremonial garb and headpieces. Nowadays, ostrich feathers are still used in fashion and for crafting, making them a timeless accessory.

6. Eggs That Are More Like Boulders

Ostrich eggs are the largest of any bird species, and they’re so big that one egg can feed a whole family. Weighing up to 3 pounds and measuring around 6 inches in diameter, these eggs are roughly equivalent to 24 chicken eggs. They’re tough, too—an ostrich egg’s shell is strong enough to withstand the weight of an adult human. So if you’re ever in a pinch and need a sturdy table, consider repurposing an ostrich eggshell.

7. Unique Social Structures

Ostriches have a fascinating social life. They live in groups called flocks, which are usually led by a dominant male. Within the flock, the ostriches have a pecking order, but they also engage in mutual grooming and other social behaviors. It’s like a big, feathery family reunion every day!

8. Survival Experts

Despite their size, ostriches are incredibly well-adapted to their environments. They can survive without water for days, as they get most of their moisture from the plants they eat. Their long legs are perfect for running from predators, and their camouflaged feathers help them blend into their surroundings. Talk about being built for survival!

9. They Don’t Actually Bury Their Heads in the Sand

One of the most persistent myths about ostriches is that they bury their heads in the sand when they’re scared. In reality, this is just a misconception. Ostriches do lower their heads to the ground to forage for food, and from a distance, it might look like they’re hiding. But rest assured, they’re not hiding from danger—just enjoying a snack.

10. A Long-Lived Legacy

Ostriches at the Maasai Ostrich Farm in Kitengela
Ostriches at the Maasai Ostrich Farm in Kitengela are clearly running their own version of ‘Survivor: Farm Edition.’ While the human amenities are taking a nap (permanently), the ostriches are living their best lives, standing tall and flaunting their feathers.

Ostriches have been around for millions of years, with ancestors dating back to the Pleistocene era. Their resilience and adaptability have allowed them to thrive in diverse environments, making them true survivors of the animal kingdom.

So next time you encounter an ostrich, take a moment to appreciate these incredible creatures. From their impressive speed to their enormous eggs, ostriches are more than just oversized birds—they’re a testament to nature’s creativity and ingenuity.

What Happened to Maasai Ostrich Farm?

Once upon a time, Maasai Ostrich Farm was the crown jewel of Kitengela—home to delectable ostrich dishes, thrilling ostrich rides, and a delightful spot for ostrich-watching enthusiasts. But fast forward to today, and it’s more of a “where-did-all-the-fun-go” situation.

On my latest visit in August 2024, I was greeted by what can only be described as a real-life episode of “Abandoned Resort: The Untold Story.” Picture this: the resort’s kitchen, once a bustling hub of culinary activity, now resembles a ghost town—minus the ghosts. The chefs have vanished into thin air, the crowds have ghosted, and the rooms appear to have locked themselves away in a permanent state of “out of order.”

The roofs? Well, they’ve decided to take a holiday too—probably to a more scenic destination. Arriving with the noble intentions of indulging in some ostrich meat and crispy fries, we were instead greeted by a fridge that looked like it had taken a detour to the land of broken dreams. The ostriches’ quarters seemed to have embraced the charm of a cozy slum rather than a luxurious aviary.

As I wandered through the ruins, searching for answers, a kind-hearted staff member explained the situation with a wry smile: the resort had caught a serious case of “Covid-19” and was still in critical condition, hooked up to life support. Whether this resort will ever make a miraculous comeback is anyone’s guess, but for now, it’s left us with a taste of nostalgia and a side of “What happened here?”

Ostrich Meat: A Tasty and Unique Alternative to Traditional Red Meats

When it comes to exotic meats, ostrich is a standout choice for those looking to explore new culinary horizons. Known for its distinctive flavor and impressive nutritional profile, ostrich meat offers a unique alternative to traditional red meats like beef and pork. Here’s everything you need to know about this fascinating food source.

A Taste of the Wild

Ostrich meat has a flavor profile that is often compared to beef but with a lighter, slightly sweeter taste. It’s a rich, succulent meat that is surprisingly versatile in the kitchen. Whether you’re grilling up ostrich steaks, preparing a juicy ostrich burger, or simmering it in a stew, this meat holds its own in a variety of dishes.

Nutritional Powerhouse

One of the standout features of ostrich meat is its impressive nutritional profile. Here’s what makes it a healthy choice:

– Lean and Low in Fat: Ostrich meat is incredibly lean compared to traditional red meats. It contains significantly less fat and cholesterol, making it a heart-healthy option. It’s a great choice for those looking to reduce their fat intake while still enjoying flavorful meat.

– High in Protein: With about 22 grams of protein per 3-ounce serving, ostrich meat is an excellent source of protein. It’s a great option for athletes, bodybuilders, or anyone needing a protein boost in their diet.

– Rich in Iron and B Vitamins: Ostrich meat is a good source of iron, which is essential for healthy blood and energy levels. It also contains B vitamins like B12 and niacin, which support metabolism and overall health.

Cooking Ostrich Meat

Cooking ostrich meat is much like preparing other red meats, but with a few key differences:

Quick Cooking Time: Because of its low-fat content, ostrich meat cooks faster than beef or pork. Overcooking can lead to dryness, so it’s best to cook it to medium-rare or medium doneness for optimal flavor and tenderness.

Marinating for Flavor: Given its lean nature, ostrich meat can benefit from marinating. A good marinade not only adds flavor but also helps keep the meat moist during cooking.

Grilling and Roasting: Ostrich steaks are perfect for grilling, and the meat can also be roasted or pan-seared. For ground ostrich, it’s great in burgers, meatballs, or even meatloaf.

Sustainability and Ethical Considerations

Ostrich farming is often considered more environmentally friendly than traditional livestock farming. Ostriches are efficient grazers and have a lower environmental footprint. They require less water and produce less methane than cattle, making them a more sustainable choice for meat production.

A Unique Culinary Experience

For those looking to spice up their meals with something different, ostrich meat offers a unique culinary experience. It’s a great conversation starter at dinner parties and can be a delicious and healthy addition to your diet. From its rich, flavorful taste to its impressive nutritional benefits, ostrich meat is worth trying for any adventurous eater.

Why You Should Keep Visiting the Maasai Ostrich Farm in Kitengela

The Maasai Ostrich Farm in Kitengela—a place that once boasted grand adventures and tantalizing tastes, and now offers a unique brand of “charm” that you won’t find anywhere else. Despite the farm’s current state of disrepair and its journey through what can only be described as a “funhouse” of challenges, here’s why you should keep those visiting plans on your calendar.

1. The Adventure of Getting There

If you’ve ever wanted to experience what it’s like to drive through a real-life obstacle course, the Maasai Ostrich Farm is your destination. The journey involves navigating a road that could be mistaken for a lunar landscape—potholes the size of small craters, dust clouds that turn your car into a mobile desert storm, and a rough road that could double as a training ground for aspiring off-roaders. It’s like an amusement park ride, but with more potential for your car to get a makeover.

2. A Trip Through Time

Visiting the Maasai Ostrich Farm is like stepping into a time capsule—one that’s stuck somewhere between the 1990s and the apocalypse. The place exudes a nostalgic charm that’s part vintage, part post-apocalyptic chic. Think of it as a museum of what might have been, complete with faded grandeur and a sense of mystery that’s perfect for those who appreciate a touch of historical irony.

3. The Ostriches

If you’ve ever wanted to see what happens when ostriches become the true masters of the universe, this is your chance. The ostriches are still there, strutting their stuff and looking as confused as the rest of us about the state of things. Their expressions, which range from “Why are you here?” to “Save me from this mess,” provide endless amusement and a chance to practice your best bird-whisperer skills.

Some of the Ostriches on Maasai Ostrich Farm

4. Gourmet Expectations

Dreaming of a five-star meal? At the Maasai Ostrich Farm, you’ll experience the art of culinary anticipation. The kitchen might be closed, but that just means you get to enjoy the ultimate food scavenger hunt. Pack a picnic, bring your own sandwiches, and relish the suspense of wondering if the fridge that’s been there since the last millennium will still have a cold drink waiting for you. The thrill of eating in the great outdoors with a side of rustic charm is unmatched.

5. The Enigma of the Pool

Remember the swimming pool? Neither do we. It’s now a relic of the past, a piece of nostalgic landscaping that serves as a reminder of simpler times. Just imagine the splash! It’s a fantastic way to test your imagination and laugh at the absurdity of expecting to swim in a place where water is a distant memory.

6. The “Intimate” Experience

In a world where everything is crowded and bustling, the Maasai Ostrich Farm offers an exclusive experience. With fewer crowds and a quirky atmosphere, you get a truly intimate encounter with the ostriches and the farm’s bygone charm. Plus, you can enjoy a private tour without the usual hustle and bustle of more popular tourist spots.

7. The Farm’s Enduring Spirit

Despite everything, the Maasai Ostrich Farm is still standing—proof of its unwavering spirit and tenacity. It’s like visiting a beloved old friend who’s seen better days but still manages to greet you with a warm, albeit dusty, smile. Supporting it through thick and thin adds a sense of camaraderie and a story to tell for years to come.

So, why visit the Maasai Ostrich Farm in Kitengela? Because it’s not just a place, it’s an experience—a comedic journey that combines adventure, nostalgia, and a touch of the absurd. Embrace the quirks, pack your sense of humor, and head over to witness the charm of a farm that refuses to fade into obscurity. After all, where else can you have a good laugh, enjoy an off-road rally, and observe ostriches in their natural, slightly bemused habitat?


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