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Karura Forest Nairobi, Activities, Animals, Gates & Entry Fees

Karura Forest Reserve: Where Nairobi’s Trees Are City Celebrities

We’ve got a real superstar in the neighborhood, and it’s not your usual red-carpet kind of celeb. It’s the Karura Forest Reserve, and it’s not just any forest; it’s an urban upland forest on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya’s bustling capital. You could say it’s the ‘leafy’ star of the show.

Now, what makes this place special is its location. It’s like the forest that put ‘convenient’ back in ‘nature.’ You see, it’s one of the largest gazetted forests in the world that’s fully within city limits. It’s like Mother Nature decided to set up shop right next door to the city’s hustle and bustle.

Karura covers an area of about 1,000 hectares, which is so huge that even the tallest giraffe would need binoculars to see from one end to the other. But here’s the real kicker: this forest isn’t just here for looks. It’s a shining example of how corporate social responsibility and individual philanthropy can team up to protect a country’s natural resources.

But what’s in it for you, you ask? Well, this forest is your ultimate eco-friendly escape from the concrete jungle. You can take a leisurely walk among the trees and pretend you’re in an Ewok village, or you can jog like you’re training for the ‘Nairobi Marathon to Beat the Squirrels.’

And if you’re feeling extra fancy, you can just sit quietly and soak in the serenity of nature. It’s like a free, all-access pass to the world’s most soothing spa day. Karura Forest has nature in all its diversity, and it’s ready to share the calm with you.

So, whether you’re here to hug a tree, have a leafy picnic, or take a selfie with a squirrel, Karura Forest Reserve is the place to be. It’s the forest that proves you don’t need to leave the city to enjoy nature; you just need to know where the cool trees hang out.

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Karura Forest Bike Riding

Attention, forest explorers! If you’ve ever dreamed of zipping through Karura Forest like a two-wheeled superhero, we’ve got the deal for you. We’re now renting out sturdy multi-speed trail bikes that are so ready to hit the dirt trails.

But wait, before you break the piggy bank, here’s the kicker: it’s just KES 500 for a solid two hours of biking bliss. And guess what? If you can’t get enough of the forest fun, you can extend your adventure! It’s like an all-you-can-bike buffet, and the forest is your playground.

Karura Forest Animals

Karura Forest, nestled in Nairobi, Kenya, is a wildlife wonderland. While it might not boast the star-studded cast of large animals you’d find in a national park, it’s a haven for smaller critters and a bustling urban biodiversity hub. Here’s a sneak peek at the forest’s eclectic residents:

1. Suni, Harvey’s Duiker, Bushbucks, Bush Pigs, Genets, Civets, Honey Badgers, Bush Babies, Porcupines: It’s like a who’s who of the animal kingdom’s VIP list, and they’ve all got backstage passes to Karura.

2. Syke’s Monkeys, Bush Squirrels, Hares, and the Epauletted-Bat: These forest-frequenters know how to throw a good tree-branch party.

3. Side-striped Jackal: Occasionally, this clever canine makes a cameo appearance in Sigiria, just to keep things interesting.

4. Birds, Birds, and More Birds: Karura Forest is the go-to place for avian aficionados. With around 200 bird species on the guest list, it’s a birdwatcher’s paradise. From Ayres Hawk-eagle to the Silvery-cheeked Hornbill, it’s a symphony of chirps and tweets.

5. Reptile Revelry: The forest floor is home to rock pythons, other snake stars (the harmless kind), and lizards that don’t mind a bit of sunbathing.

6. Butterfly Bonanza: Karura is a runway for butterflies, and they flaunt their colors like they’re auditioning for a fashion show. The African Queen and Desmond’s Green Banded Swallowtail are just a couple of the runway darlings.

So, while Karura Forest may not have lions and elephants, it’s got a quirky cast of characters that’ll make your nature-loving heart skip a beat. It’s like a never-ending wildlife party, and everyone’s invited.

Karura Forest Activities

Karura Forest isn’t your regular ‘stick to the path’ kinda place. It’s a forest with so much action that even the trees have started taking notes. Here’s a forest-fun checklist you didn’t know you needed:

1. Walking: Take a stroll through the woods, and if you’re lucky, you might meet a squirrel with a travel blog.

2. Jogging: There are marked trails for 5, 10, and 15 kilometers. It’s like a forest fun run, but with more trees and fewer race bibs.

3. Tree-Planting: Who knows, you might just discover your green thumb. Or, you can give the trees a pep talk; they appreciate the motivation.

4. Just Sitting: Because sometimes, the best activity is doing absolutely nothing. The trees are excellent conversation partners.

5. Bird-watching: It’s like a real-life Angry Birds game, but with binoculars and zero slingshots.

6. Dog-Walking: Bring your furry friend, but keep them on a leash. Dogs have to follow the rules too, except in designated areas. They have their own doggy hangout zones.

7. Gathering: Whether it’s for educational tours, concerts, weddings, or team-building, Karura Forest is the ultimate party place for both humans and squirrels.

8. Exhibitions: Art in the woods? Yes, please! Just make sure the trees get an invite.

9. Dog Training: If your dog needs a lesson in squirrel etiquette, this is the place to do it.

10. Sport & Fitness: From horse riding to mountain biking, Karura Forest is the ultimate outdoor gym.

11. Tennis: Swing your racket at the KFEET Centre grounds. There’s even an obstacle fitness course under construction, so you can channel your inner forest ninja.

So, whether you’re here to run like the wind, watch birds without getting dive-bombed, or just have a deep conversation with a tree, Karura Forest has got you covered. It’s the forest where fun is always in season.

Karura Forest Cafe

River Café: Where Nature Meets Nom-Nom!

Get ready for a dining adventure like no other, right smack dab in the heart of Karura Forest!

Located just off Limuru Road, across from the Belgian Embassy in Nairobi, River Café is the real deal. We’re talking al fresco dining with forest views that make even the trees a tad jealous. Our open spaces are so wide and our ceilings are so high, you’ll think the sky is trying to show off!

But it’s not just about the view; it’s about the food. Our menu is like a love letter to Kenya’s incredible produce. We’ve got continental, à la carte goodness that’ll make your taste buds do the cha-cha. And guess what? they’re so wild about breakfast that they serve it all day long. Because who says you can’t have pancakes for dinner? 

Now, River Café isn’t your average eatery. It’s where you get to experience Kenya’s natural beauty while munching on something scrumptious. You can bird-watch like you’re auditioning for ‘Kenya’s Next Top Birder,’ take guided colobus monkey walks (no, the monkeys aren’t guiding you; we’ve got experts for that!), or simply kick back and enjoy an intimate lunch.

And if you’re feeling a bit adventurous, why not hop on a bike and ride through the expansive forest? It’s like a Tour de Karura, and the trees are your biggest fans.

So, when you’re looking for a dining experience that’s as wild as it is delicious, River Café is the place to be. There’s nowhere quite like it in Nairobi, and that’s a fact. Don’t miss out on a taste of the wild side – and we’re not talking about the monkeys.

Karura Forest Entrance Fees

Calling all forest explorers! Karura Forest is where the adventure begins, and we’ve got the ultimate pass to unlock the fun. Whether you’re a curious individual, a school group, or just planning a picnic, here’s the scoop:

For Individuals: 🚶‍♂️🌳

Citizens: KES 100
Kenya Residents: KES 200
Non-Residents: KES 300

Children (Ages 5 to 17):
Citizens: KES 50
Residents: KES 100
Non-Residents: KES 300

Parking at KFEET, Amani, and All Gates:🚗

– *Cars & 4x4s: KES 200*
– *Minivan 14-seater: KES 400*
– *Minibus 16-31 seater: KES 600*
– *Buses 32+ seater: KES 1000*

Picnic Perks at KFEET, Amani, Ruaka, Sigiria, Karura Gardens: 🍉🍔

– For Everyone:
*Adults: KES 150*
*Children (Ages 5 to 17): KES 100*

(Note: Picnic fees do not include forest entry and parking fees. Those are like separate tickets to the coolest show in town.)

School Parties for Over 10 Children: 🏫👦👧

– *Private Schools: KES 100*
– *Public Schools: KES 50*

– *Accompanying Teachers & Drivers:* Free entry for each adult per 10 students.

**School Bus Parking:** 🚌

Private Schools: KES 500*
Public Schools: KES 200*

So, grab your pass, gather your picnic goodies, and get ready for a wild time in Karura Forest.

Karura Forest Gates: Your Portals to Adventure

In the magical world of Karura Forest, we’ve got gates to help you embark on your forest escapades. Here’s the scoop on our gateways to Wonderland:

Gate A: Main Entry (The Star of the Show!)
– Located off Limuru Road, right across from the Belgian Embassy, this is the red carpet entry to Karura Forest. Road access to KFEET Centre and the FKF forest office, it’s where the forest welcomes you with open arms.

Gate B: Closed for a Secret Forest Club
– This one’s like the secret handshake gate – it’s closed to the public and reserved for service use only. We can’t reveal the forest secrets held beyond these doors.

Gate D: The Pedestrian Lane of Adventure
– At the end of the ICRAF access lane, you’ll find this gate. It’s where the forest says, ‘Come on in, walkers and wanderers!’ No cars allowed.

Gate E: The Limuru Road Stroll
– If you’re entering the Sigiria section of the forest off Limuru Road, this is where you start your journey. Park your ride at Gate A, and then it’s time for a forest frolic.
Gate F: The Majestic Sigiria Entrance
– Located at the end of Thigiri Lane off Thigiri Ridge Road, this is the grand entrance to the Sigiria section. You can even park inside the gate – it’s like VIP forest access!

Don’t Get Lost – Get the Map
– But wait, there’s more! If you want the ultimate forest navigator’s tool, grab the official Karura Forest Map for just 200/=. It’s like your forest treasure map, and you can find it at the gates and KFEET Centre.

So, whether you’re here for the main event at Gate A or exploring the secret society at Gate B (just kidding), Karura Forest has a gate for every adventure seeker. Step right in and let the forest magic begin

Karura Forest Hours

Are you ready for a forest adventure? Well, Karura gates open for business at all gates, but they like to keep things as fresh as their morning dew. Here’s the lowdown on their hours:

Opening Hours:
– 🌞 They kick things off bright and early at 6:00 AM. Yep, you read that right. The birds aren’t even hitting the snooze button by then!

Last Entry Call:
– ⏳ But don’t dilly-dally too long because the last call for forest entry is at 5:45 PM. Even the trees have to get their beauty sleep!

Gates Close:
– 🚧 And when the clock strikes 7:00 PM, it’s time to call it a day. All our gates are like Cinderella; they close up shop until the next day.

So, if you’re an early bird looking for the worm (or just some quality forest time), Karura Forest is your place to be. The forest opens its gates with the sunrise and says goodnight to the critters with the sunset. It’s nature’s version of a 9-to-5 job.

Karura forest Restaurant Menu
Karura Forest Weather: Nature’s Mood Swings

Karura Forest likes to keep us on our toes, just like a fickle friend who can’t decide what to wear. Here’s what you can expect in our weather rollercoaster:

Wet Season #1: April to June
– The forest is all about those April showers and May flowers. It’s like Mother Nature’s own watering can.

Cool & Cloudy: July and August
– You could say the forest gets its chill on. It’s like that friend who brings ice cream to a picnic but forgets the sunshine.

Sunny & Dry: August to December
– The forest is all about those summer vibes. Beach towels, sunscreen, and picnics are the order of the day.

Hot & Dry: January, February, and Early March
– The forest cranks up the heat. It’s like a tropical vacation without the airline tickets.
Rainfall Drama:
– The forest can’t make up its mind when it comes to rain. It goes from 14 inches during drought spells (the forest’s version of a juice cleanse) to 50 inches during wet El Niño periods (when it decides to take a long, luxurious bath).

Peak Rain Months:
– If you want to experience the ultimate rain dance, come in April, May, or November. It’s like the forest’s way of throwing a water park party!

Karura Forest Dogs Offleash: Where Dogs and Hoomans Find Common Ground.

You know, in Karura Forest, they’re all about finding harmony between their two-legged and four-legged forest lovers. But, they heard some ‘concerns’ from dog-shy friends who like to jog and stroll in peace. So, guess what? The forest comes up with a genius plan!

Introducing the ‘Shady Path’

Back in 2017, they thought, ‘Why not create a space where everyone can enjoy the forest without stepping on each other’s paws?’ So, they did! they called it the ‘Shady Path,’ and it runs right alongside the Wangari Maathai Track.

But wait, there’s more! they gave the Shady Path an upgrade – it’s now an off-leash loop. It’s like a racetrack for our furry friends, and it won’t mess with the walking, running, or biking vibes.

Here’s the Doggy Deal:

– If you’re a proud dog owner and want your pup to run wild, head to the Gate-C (Kiambu Road) parking area. From there, just follow the Shady Path loop. It’s like a canine adventure with a forest view, and it’s a whopping 6.5 kilometers of off-leash fun!

– The forest recommends going clockwise on the loop to avoid ‘bark-at-you’ situations with other dog walkers. It’s like a forest dance where everyone twirls in the same direction.



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