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Kawangware- The Ugali Nation

Kawangware, where rent is cheaper than a cup of coffee in the city, is Nairobi’s version of the budget-friendly neighborhood. Nestled about 15 km west of the city center, it’s that cozy spot sandwiched between the posh vibes of Lavington and the down-to-earth charm of Dagoretti.

Here in Kawangware, we believe in stretching shillings like they’re a piece of bubblegum – affordable living is our middle name! It’s a place where you can find a community tighter than your grandma’s hugs, and the distance to the city center is just far enough to escape the hustle but close enough to join the party when you feel like it.

So, if you’re looking for a place where your wallet can finally take a deep breath, Kawangware is where the real budget magic happens – because who needs expensive rent when you can have more pocket change for spontaneous samosa runs? Welcome to the land of budget-friendly dreams!

In the land of Kawangware, where posho mills outnumber bars, we proudly wear the crown of the “Ugali Nation.” With a population that could rival a blockbuster movie premiere ( 291,565 folks, to be exact), you’ll find more kids and youths here than in a candy store – 65% of the whole crew!

Now, we might not be rolling in the deep pockets, but hey, who needs dollars when you can groove to the sweet tunes of shillings? Most of us are self-employed traders, making deals that even Wall Street would raise an eyebrow at. And let’s not forget the diverse ethnic background – it’s like a cultural buffet!

In Kawangware, our drinking water situation is like playing hide and seek – city-supplied water decides to take a break now and then, leaving us to ponder life’s mysteries. But fear not, our resilience is as strong as our craving for ugali. Sure, there might be a dance-off with waterborne diseases, respiratory pneumonia, and malaria, but we’ve got moves like Jagger to dodge them.

Supermarkets, a library, medical clinics, and even schools like Kawangware Primary School are here to prove that we’re not just about posho mills and street smarts. Although, let’s be real, our kids might occasionally ditch school for a spontaneous street soccer match – priorities, you know?

Where is Kawangware in Kenya?

Kawangware, situated about 15 km west of Nairobi’s city center, is a low-income residential area in Kenya, nestled between Lavington and Dagoretti. The recent Kenya Population and Housing Census reported Kawangware’s population is about 200000 people, with an estimated 65% of the residents being children and youths.

Is Water Safe?

In Kawangware, the availability of water supplied by the city authority is inconsistent, and obtaining safe drinking water can be both scarce and costly. The community faces challenges related to waterborne diseases, respiratory pneumonia, aspiratory pneumonia, and malaria. Additionally, airborne diseases are prevalent due to the inadequate drainage system in the area.




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