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Welcome to the College of Beauty, Fitness, and Holistic Therapy, where we've got enough fancy titles to make your head spin! Our official name is the Alison Caroline Institute, and guess what? We're the cool kids on the block, certified and approved by the Ministry of Education with the swanky MOEST Number MST/INS/14/47/1/20.

Now, when it comes to our tutors, these folks are the real deal. They've got certificates coming out of their ears and enough experience to fill a library. We're talking about trainers who've been around the block and know their stuff.

And just when you thought it couldn't get any fancier, our Director has over two decades of experience under their belt. She is so accredited that you might need a dictionary to understand all her qualifications – think ITEC, CIDESCO, and CIBTAC. So, whether you're into beauty, fitness, or holistic therapy, we're here to teach you the ropes. Come join us, and let's turn you into a certified expert too!

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