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Category: Kenyan National Parks & Reserves

Aug 05

Dive into the cool vibes of the Mombasa Marine National Park and Reserve, where the ocean’s more azure than your dream vacation filter! Picture swaying coconut palms, and sandy beaches so pristine they make angels jealous. Nestled between the Mtwapa and Tudor Creeks, this aquatic playground is the ultimate spot for windsurfing (breeze included), water […]

Nov 20
Hells Gate National Park, Features, Entry Fees & Accommodations

1. Introduction: Discovering Hells Gate National Park Tucked away in the heart of Kenya lies a place of unparalleled beauty and raw, untamed wilderness. Hells Gate National Park, with its dramatic landscape and rich history, offers an escape from the conventional safari experience. Imagine towering cliffs, deep gorges, and geothermal hot springs set against a […]

Nov 16
Kakamega Forest National Reserve: The Jurassic Park of Kenyan Jungles

Step into the Kakamega Forest, where time decided to take a vacation and forgot to come back. This forest is like the cool kid who never grew up, a remnant of the rainforest that once covered Central Africa  Now, let’s talk about the forest’s fabulous residents. Picture this: bush pigs with their own reality TV […]

Nov 16
Amboseli National Park-Kenya

Amboseli National Park, previously known as the Maasai Amboseli Game Reserve (quite the mouthful, huh?), struts its national park status in Kajiado County, Kenya. Clocking in at 39,206 ha (392.06 km2), it’s the cool cat at the center of an 8,000 km2 (3,100 sq mi) ecosystem that’s basically the Beyoncé of Kenya-Tanzania borderlands. Nestled at […]

Nov 10
Nairobi National Park, Kenya

Welcome to Nairobi National Park, the wildlife resort with a touch of urban flair! Established in 1946, it’s like the VIP section of nature, just 7 km (4.3 mi) south of Nairobi. Picture this: a place so wild, it had to be fenced on three sides to keep the party animals in check. And guess […]

Oct 23
Karura Forest Nairobi, Activities, Animals, Gates & Entry Fees

Karura Forest Reserve: Where Nairobi’s Trees Are City Celebrities We’ve got a real superstar in the neighborhood, and it’s not your usual red-carpet kind of celeb. It’s the Karura Forest Reserve, and it’s not just any forest; it’s an urban upland forest on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya’s bustling capital. You could say it’s the […]

Oct 17
8 Things to Do in Maasai Mara National Reserve

The Maasai Mara National Reserve, often simply referred to as the Maasai Mara, is one of Kenya’s most iconic and renowned wildlife conservation areas. Located in the southwestern part of Kenya, it is part of the greater Mara-Serengeti ecosystem, which spans across Kenya and Tanzania and is world-famous for its annual wildebeest migration.